Wednesday 18 March 2009

Introduction to 'Delinquent'

After deciding which genre our film should be, we began to formulate a general story line by using storyboards.
Our initial idea was to focus on an intense storyline, which would signify the genre of the film. We decided that by using a 'chase' as the foundation for our film opening, we would have an oppertunity to create great intensity and thrill through a variety of camera shots, anges, sound and lighting.
We decided that the film should open with a news reader explaining that there had been an escaped convict from a mental health hospital. We decided that this would be beneficial because it would allow the audience to understand the presentation of the main characters and the danger the characters might face. This encourages the audience to feel a sense of foreboding about the outcome of the film.
We decided that the escapee should come to the school, through, perhaps a way of revenge to her teacher. This was clearly expressed in the first draft of the film script :
"She is identifiable by the limp she carries on her left leg and the regulation white garments she is wearing. It is notable that her limp is not genuine, but she believes it to be authentic.
For the purpose of national security, information on her psychiatric state has been divulged to this station. The delinquent was sectioned and had been detained for 43 hours before she escaped.
Reports say that she was sectioned after it was found that the treatment she received from her school teacher had left her mentally crippled.."
(we had to shorten and cut this out for our film, as the time limit would not allow for such a long script).
We thought that the escapee should go back to the school to seek revenge on the teacher who attributed to her mental state.
This would be portrayed through the chase scene, where the teacher would be finishing marking at the end of the day and then hear a crash. She would then realised after a short while that this meant she had to leave, as she would be in great danger to stay. She finds that this is too late, as the escapee is already inside the school, and looking for her. This is followed by a chase between the escapee and the teacher, who leaves the school quickly, only to find the escapee facing her outside.

The main characters include a newsreader, who's character is in her costume- a shirt and a blazer. Her expression conveys her serious attitude and also the seriousness of the newspiece she is reading.
The escaped delinquent is another character. Her identity remains mysterious until the end of the film, where a full body shot is expressed through a long shot. Her white coat signifies her position in the film, as an escaped delinquent.

By Cat Gough

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