Thursday 26 February 2009

Troubles we have had whilst filming


We decided that our film location should be at school, as we felt that this would fit with our story.
However, certain aspects of school life has prevented us from filming when it would be easiest for us. During lessons, for example, we have been given time to film and to complete the practical aspects of the course, but the school location has made this difficult for us. When we have stayed after school to do some filming, it has meant also that there have been many interruptions. This includes from cleaners and teachers, who obviously must stay at school after hours also.


As we need to shoot our film when it is dark, it means that we cannot film during lesson time, as it is too light. One particular incident included the ceiling lights. We needed to turn off the lights in order to create the right atmosphere for our film, but the cleaners would turn these on. This meant that our filming was delayed considerably.

After filming, we would use lessons to edit our film. It was then that we realised that in the shots we had already captured, there were subtle- but noticeable- differences in the lighting. This is because of the different times we shot the film. In a shot for example, the blue sky was noticeably reflected in a window, yet in the next shot, the darkness outside was clearly vi sable.


As in our film, there is a lack of dialogue, we decided to use an intense non-diegetic piece of music.
To find an appropriate piece, we listened to many different soundtracks from various horror films. We used YouTube for this. Helpfully, several users of YouTube had uploaded their "top ten horror songs".
Some of these songs had a fast tempo, and were often orchestral, we felt these did not suit our story and so we selected a song that has quite a fast tempo, but has a simpler sound in comparison to the songs used in most popular horror films.

By Abbie and Cat

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