Wednesday 11 February 2009

Genre Conclusion

To conclude our research on what kind of genre we would like to use for our coursework, we have decided to use horror.
We decided horror would be the most appropriate of genres, the reasons for this include:
  • This genre relies mainly on camera shots and angles, our other choice of a romance film relies heavily on the effective use of dialogue. We feel that by emphasising the use of camera shots and angles we could achieve our full potential in creating a horror film opening.
  • The limitations of locations would prevent us from creating an effective Romance, as that genre requires more elaborate scenery. A horror film, on the other hand, typically requires less emphasis on the location of the film, it concentrates more on the feelings that are portrayed in the scenes.
  • As we are required to create a 2 minute opening of a film, producing the beginning of a horror film seems more appealing because it would allow us to create a more exciting opening, like the films we have so far researched. From the aforementioned research, it has been possible to conclude that romance films have a tendency to have graduated beginnings. This would not be beneficial to our production, as we must capture the audience within two minutes!
  • Generally, horror films rely on the first few minutes in order to capture the audience's attention, whereas the typical romance film may spend the entire sequence drawing in the audience's emotions with the characters.

We feel, therefore, that the horror genre would be highly appropriate for our two minute film opening.

By Cat and Abbie

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