Tuesday 24 March 2009

Late Arrival

This is our preliminary task, we had some difficulty in uploading it which is why we have been delayed in adding this video to our page. We completed this task after the first film we did, called 'The Rush'.

In this preliminary task we were given the idea of two people having a conversation and the build up to this conversation. Cat and I took this idea and tried to make it a little bit more interesting and intense by using the appropriate shots, sound and lighting.

Camera Work

The first shot we used was a mid shot of a girl waiting at a desk, looking at her watch and looking impatient. We believe this is a good opening shot because it introduces the character and also suggests the character is waiting for someone. We create alot of emphasis on the character's watch by using an over-the-shoulder shot and then cutting to a close up shot of the watch. This suggests more of the story and when the camera goes back to the close up shot of the watch later on in the film, the watch is at a different time, showing how long the character has actually been waiting. This may also make the audience feel like their in the character's shoes and may understand the feelings of the character in more depth. Between these close up shots you can also see a zooming in shot of the character's face, showing her facial expressions and really portraying her emotion. The shot then cuts to a point-of-view shot of the door, again making the audience feel like they are experiencing the same events.

One of the shots we filmed included the camera zooming in from an over-the-shoulder shot to a close up of the character's hand. This was very jerky and if we could have the chance of redoing it we would film it again and make it look smoother. At the end of this film there is a conversation between the two characters, we have used the technique of shot-reverse-shot. This shows a good conversational style and because the shots are on an 180 degree angle the audience won't get confused or disorientated.


The only sound you can hear in this film is a clock ticking in the background. We chose this backing sound because it adds suspense to our film and fits in well when the character looks at her watch. The only other sound you can hear is the dialogue at the end of the film which has relevance to the story and solves it for the audience.


Lighting, in our eyes, was the most effective element in our film. We used a darkened room with a lamp shining on the character and her desk. We believe this created extra tension and contrasted well with what the character was wearing, therefore making her stand out in all the shots. It also made the character look slightly more powerful whilst she was impatiently waiting.


Most of our shots flow with a fade to black in the middle of each shot which we believe produces continuity. But we wanted to experiment with a different effect which was the 'clock wipe'. We only used this when a shot cut to the shots of the watch because we believe it fitted in well with this shot and made the shot more interesting.

by Abbie Hawkins


Zoƫ Benjafield said...

I think this piece is very good for your first try. I like the idea of the transition being like the clock face.

The music flows really well, hearing the clock tick-tock. The use of the close up of the hand tapping on the table was really effective too.
It seemed to flow really well, nothing seemed out of piece either. I thought it was really creative portray of this task and you should be pleased!

matty boi said...

Avery interesting opening two minutes which kept me engaged from start to finish. i really like the end shot which exposes the fear on the characters face. The soundtrack and diagetic sound also creates an eerie atmosphere which perfectly suits the mood. The mise-en-scene also works effectively as the acters look like the characters they are portraying.

Greg Potter said...

This piece is a clean little piece of filming, the editing moves nicely along with the scene and the sense of realism is constantly brought to my attention, with the use of technology being used by the students like their constant use of the mobile phones and the typical "student" clothing is worn which does give you a feeling that these are actual students in this film.