Thursday 26 February 2009

First scene dialogue

First Scene
The first scene of our film involves a shot of a news reader reporting on the current incidents that are relevant to the rest of our film beginning. The following shows the dialogue and stage directions involved in this scene.

Opens – fades from black to shot of news reader. She sits at a desk, looks up from sheets of paper in front of her on the desk, directly into the camera.
The scene opens halfway through the news readers ‘welcome’ sentence, (Sound fades in synonymously with image)

News reader speaks not frantically, but calmly as she tells the news. Any expression she shows is in her eyes – they suggest disturbance and bewilderment
She wishes to convey to the audience the serious nature of this news piece, she does this with her eyes.

News reader: Good evening and welcome to the six o’clock news.
We have just received reports of an escaped delinquent from Bethlem Royal Hospital. She escaped several hours ago from the ‘secure’ unit, River House.
The institute has requested that we give a severe warning to all of those within a five mile radius of the hospital.
She is identifiable by the limp she carries on her left leg and the regulation white garments she is wearing.
Reports say that she was sectioned after it was found that the treatment she received from her school teacher had left her mentally crippled.


Rachel, Lucy, Nikki and Dale said...

This is very well written and clear,
your first scene sounds amazing. You have written in lots of detail. We can't wait to see your film!
Nikki Helen Rach and Lucy x

Zoƫ Benjafield said...

WOW, in a word, it sounds awesome, cannot wait to see how it turns out as we know you put alot of detail into productions.