Thursday 5 February 2009

The Rush - an evaluation

Although we've had a bit of trouble posting this video, here is our preliminary coursework.

The preliminary coursework exercise required us to make a short film using a simplistic storyline.
The exercise also required Abbie and I to put our newly acquired knowledge into practise. This included camera shots and angles, composition and general rules to be used when filming, the 180 degree rule for example.

Although the difficulties we faced transferring the film from the disk to the Internet meant a long delay in posting the film, this may not have been such a hindrance. It is possible now to look back on the film and evaluate it's strengths and weaknesses with the appropriate knowledge and experience of filming and editing techniques, thus giving perhaps a more well-informed evaluation than may have been possible a few months ago.

After viewing this film again, i have taken note of several points to improve on for the coursework piece we are currently making.

These include:

  • Shots used are too short, in terms of time, when they should not be. For example, the over the shoulder(OTS) shot of the girl sending the text message transcends from an OTS to a zoom close-up so quickly that it may discomfort the audience. This should be avoided in order to gain more of a professional film.
  • Sound should remain under control. In this film, there is a great deal of unrelated diegetic sound from our fellow media students and other members of the school. This has quite an unprofessional effect on the film, and should be avoided in future!
  • Continuity should also be a key element in the production of our current piece of coursework. The lack of continuity in this film, with Abbie's clothing for example, may confuse the audience and is an element of the project that we must take seriously!
  • One of the most apparent mistakes in this film is my inadequate camera knowledge. When Abbie walks down the stairs, for example, i zoomed in too quickly, and had to zoom out again. This has an effect of making the entire production look quite amateurish and so i should perhaps gain more experience with the camera equipment!

By Cat Gough


nilesh patel said...

Your first filming i think had some very good things in. There was a good use of zooming to emphysise on certain things, especially on the mobile phone. Paning and tracking shots were used well to show the setting and to show where the charactors were going. To maybe improve on this work, you could try and keep a steady camera when using the tracking shots and to make the zooming shots at a more consictant pace than being quite jerky.

nilesh patel said...

Your use of the zoom really pushes my buttons, and the shots are faded out well, this links the shots together nicely. I think the tracking shots need to be slightly smoother and diagetic or non diagetic sound would be lovely :)
The actors you used are very attractive i might add.